Wonder of The World/Leaf of Life Plant – The Wonder Healer

Wonder of The World the healing plant

How many of us from the Caribbean remember as children putting a ‘Wonder of The World/Leaf of Life’ leaf in our school book and watching over time as it sprouts roots? It is a plant of wonder to many of us, but we are mostly unaware of its excellent curative powers of the plant. Wonder Of The World – The…


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Aloe Vera The Miracle, Healing, Plant

Aloe Vera miracle healing plant

The ancient Egyptians called Aloe Vera the “plant of immortality“. Both Cleopatra and Nefertiti attributed their beauty to this plant, spending much time soaking in baths filled with Aloe. It is also known as the medicine plant, the treatment plant, the miracle plant, and the healing plant. Man has used the plant for over 5,000 years. We generally use it…


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The Effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) on the Human Biofield!

the effect of electromagnetic frequencies on the human body

Dr. Robert Young does an interview with Narda, a retired helicopter pilot challenged with radiation poisoning and experiencing the symptoms of lightheadedness, dizziness, muddled thinking, cold hands, cold feet, forgetfulness, dry cough, fever, headaches, poor circulation, lost of taste, and low energy. Please follow and share:


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Noni Fruit – One of The World’s Most Powerful Superfoods

Noni Fruit - One of The World's Most Powerful Superfoods

It is with utter astonishment and horror that I watch as daily more and more people cut down or trim their Noni tree till it is almost useless. Or they simply treat the fruit as a nuisance. This while, at the same time, they spend tons purchasing pharmaceuticals. They are totally unaware that Noni could help them solve many of…


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Cinnamon – The Taste Enhancer & Healing Bark


There Are Two Main Types of Cinnamon Cinnamon is a common household spice that is used around the world in both cooking, and as a flavoring in drinks. It comes from a Greek word that means sweet wood. There are primarily two types of cinnamon. The first is the darker-colored ‘cassia’ which is grown in southeastern Asia. Then there is…


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Corona Virus – Symptoms And Methods of Prevention

Corona virus covid 19 symptoms

The corona virus, covid 19, has now become a pandemic. What was once isolated to a single province in China has now spread globally. Country after country is now being affected. At the writing of this article there are presently 155 countries and territories around the world and 1 international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan) affected…


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Did You know Thyme Quickly & Effectively Heals Breast Cancer & Acne?

Did You know Thyme Quickly & Effectively Heals Cancer & Acne?

Thyme which is known for its aromatic and healing properties is a member of the genus Thymus family. Thymes are relatives of the oregano herb. As far back as ancient Egypt, it was used as an embalming fluid. In Greece, it was commonly used as an incense in temples and added to their baths. Hippocrates, the famed Greek physician, recommended…


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5 Amazing Things You Did Not Know About Stinging Nettle Plant

5 amazing things you did not know about stinging nettle

Many of us consider it nothing but a nuisance. An irritant that we just want to get out of our yard before it grows too big. Yet the very weed we are most anxious to get rid of is a healer. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica – meaning to burn) is one of the wonder herbs on the planet. The prickly…


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Lemongrass – Its 7 Most Potent Healing Benefits

lemongrass 7 (Actually 8) of its most potent healing bebefits

Lemongrass is a plant that is popular in both Asia and Africa for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years. It is also known as ‘fever grass’ or ‘citronella’, Generally known for its aromatic properties, it is commonly used as an insect repellent. However, Lemongrass has many curative properties and assists in the fight against some of our most common and dangerous…


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Distant Healing Works Miracles

Distant Healing Works Miracles

We are all energy beings. Not only can we affect others with our energy, but our energy can also be affected by others. Usually people call me when they are in a state of desperation, because of the physical condition afflicting some loved one. At that point, fear has almost totally consumed them and they are literally begging me to pray for their family or friend.


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