Wonder of The World/Leaf of Life Plant – The Wonder Healer

How many of us from the Caribbean remember as children putting a ‘Wonder of The World/Leaf of Life’ leaf in our school book and watching over time as it sprouts roots? It is a plant of wonder to many of us, but we are mostly unaware of its excellent curative powers of the plant.

Wonder Of The World – The Miracle Plant

TheWonder of The World’ (Kalanchoe pinnata) plant, also known as Miracle Leaf, Leaf of Life, Life Plant, Goethe Plant, Mexican Love Plant, Resurrection, Soanzo Leaf is much celebrated for its curing capabilities.  This miracle plant is native to Madagascar. It has also become naturalized in Asia, the Pacific, and all over the Caribbean.

Wonder of The World the healing plant

A recent study has revealed that the amazing Leaf of Life plant is a rich source of T-Cell suppressive flavonoids. What this means is that it has cancer-fighting properties.

Some Of The Other Constituents Of The Leaf Of Life Plant Are…

  1. Bryophillin A (anti-tumor)
  2. C- anticarcinogenic this means that it inhibits or prevents the activity of a carcinogen or the development of cancer
  3. Beta carotene.  Beta carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A (retinol). We need vitamin A for healthy skin and mucous membranes and the immune system. Beta carotene is also important in promoting eye health and vision. 

Internal Uses Of The Leaf of Life Plant Are…

  • Cancer.

  • Depression

  • Headaches.

  • Diabetes

“Diabetes is a major risk for cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, and heart attack which affects the majority of the global population. Goyal et al., (2013) reported that the ethanolic extract of K. pinnata decreased the blood glucose level of rats affected by diabetes. Thus, decreasing the serum glucose level and increasing glucose tolerance. The plant extract also increased the pancreatic secretion of insulin… after 24-hour continuous observation, the glucose levels subsided to normal baseline levels indicating the  antidiabetic potential of the plant” [A]

  • Sinuses and other respiratory illnesses.

  • Blood Cloths 

“A study was carried out by Sharker et al., (2012). Certain bioactive compounds present in the plant can even dissolve blood clots in the blood vessels. These thrombolytic agents are useful in treating myocardial infarction, thrombo-embolic strokes, deep-vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism to clear a blocked artery and avoid permanent damage to the perfused tissues.” [A]

  • Colds and flues.

  • The root of this plant is believed to protect the liver and proved useful for the treatment of hepatitis.

  • It is used as a remedy for piles (Hemorrhoids).

  • The fresh juice can be used to treat jaundice.

  • It is the natural treatment for kidney and gallbladder stones.

    “Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of K. pinnata was administered to patients having stones in
    their body based on medical prophylaxis. Regular intake of the juice effectively dissolved the stones regardless of its position, nature, and previous treatments. There was an increase in the quantity of urine excreted, thus showing the diuretic nature of the juice” [A]

  • Most significant of all, it is helpful in treating Hypertension (high blood pressure)

External Uses Of Wonder of The World

  • Arthritis

Externally it is used for among other things – arthritis. To do this, the leaf is heated and placed on the affected area.

  • Cataracts

In treating cataracts and styes (hordeolum). Begin by boiling some of the leaves in hot water. Let it cool and then squeeze the juice in the affected area. 

  • Cuts/Bruises/External Ulcers

It is also used for cuts and bruises and external ulcers. For sore, tired feet soak in a solution made by setting the leaves in warm water. Apply twice a day, morning and night, or as often as needed.

How To Use The Plant Internally

The best way to use the Wonder of The World/Leaf of Life plant is to make tea which can be taken once or twice a day as needed.  

To make the tea put some water to boil. Once the water is boiling add the leaves of the plant. Let it simmer for a few minutes and then drink the tea without sugar added. Store the unused portion in a refrigerator and use it as needed.

NB: All extracts marked [A] are taken from the publication below

Noni Fruit – One of The World’s Most Powerful Superfoods

It is with utter astonishment and horror that I watch as daily more and more people cut down or trim their Noni tree till it is almost useless. Or they simply treat the fruit as a nuisance. This while, at the same time, they spend tons purchasing pharmaceuticals. They are totally unaware that Noni could help them solve many of their health issues.

Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) is also known as great morinda, Indian mulberry, nunaakai, dog dumpling, mengkudu, beach mulberry, cheese fruit, hag apple, hog apple, ice leaf, and pain killer. The plant is native to India, Australia, and Polynesia. It is known as a famine food and has been used for over six (6) thousands of years by traditional healers.


Noni Fruit - One of The World's Most Powerful Superfoods


Noni’s Powerful Healing Effects


The fruit is known as a superfood and with good reason.  Ancient Sanskrit manuscripts record the Noni fruit has, “marvelous healthful properties”. It is referred to as a primary ingredient in natural healing formulations.


Professor R.M. Heinicke of the University of Hawaii conducted research on the Noni fruit. His research led him to the conclusion that it can be used to heal a multitude of illnesses. He writes: Some of the problems which drinking Noni juice might favorably affect are:


  • High blood pressure
  • Menstrual cramps,
  • Arthritis
  • Gastric ulcers
  • Sprains
  • Injuries
  • Mental depression
  • Senility
  • Poor digestion
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Blood vessel problems
  • Addiction
  • Relief for pain and many others.


Although this list looks like a page torn out of a traveling medicine man’s manual, it is probably conservative.

Some Astonishing Noni Findings

Noni Fruit - One of The World's Most Powerful Superfoods

Dr. Solomon, who has been studying Noni for nearly a decade and whose books on noni have sold over a million copies in the US alone, adds to that list cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and strokes. The main contributory factor for all of them is stress.

Noni For Beautiful Skin

The juice acts as a moisturizer when applied to the skin daily. It has the ability to replenish and repair your skin. The juice is packed with vitamin A (what retinol is derived from) and it’s one of the most powerful vitamins out there for near-perfect skin.

Applied topically, noni encourages the cells to renew themselves lightning-fast, helping to limit breakouts, skin blemishes, and fine lines. 

It is also packed with moisture magnets and vitamin E, making it perfect for overcoming dry, flaky skin as well as pollution and other environmental factors.

A Skeptic Becomes A Believer

Dr. Mian-Ying Wang a physician and research associate professor broke her wrist while at a scientific conference in Philadelphia. Friends gave her a bottle of noni juice and told her that it would help with the healing.

“After a week, they called to see if I was drinking it,” she said. “I said, No, I’m never going to touch this noni juice.′ ” However, Wang was eventually convinced into trying the juice, and, a week later, she was able to have the cast on her wrist removed with compliments from her doctor on how quickly she had recovered.

This provided her with the impetus she needed to delve into 10 years of research on the healing properties of Morinda citrifolia. Her research has revealed positive results for patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee and on the quality of life and hearing function of postmenopausal women. She has proven that Noni has protective effects against liver damage and damage to the DNA and cholesterol levels of current heavy smokers.

Her studies revealed a 60 to 85 percent reduction in breast cancer formation and protective properties against environmentally caused cancers

Gangrene Reversed

Dr. Lionel Gaskin Mayers tells of his experience with a patient whose foot was about to be amputated because of gangrene. Using the Noni fruit on a continuous, daily basis the patient was able to completely reverse the condition. So much so, that the foot no longer needed to be amputated.


My Personal Experience With Noni


Many years ago when my two children were perhaps about 5 and 2 years old they went to the country for vacation. There they contracted some sort of skin ailment.


It looked like scabies. These scales covered their feet in ever-increasing measure. They scratched and blistered. It was not only painful, but it was also quite unsightly. So much so, that when their mom took them to the clinic they ran them out of it. 


Their mom got worried, as any mom would. It seemed as though there was nothing that could be done.


It was at that time that I got the Tahitian Noni and applied it to the sores. At the same time, giving it to them to drink. In short order, it not only dried up but eventually completely disappeared.


From that moment on I, as well as my family, became totally convinced of the superpowers of the Noni Fruit.

Did You know Thyme Quickly & Effectively Heals Breast Cancer & Acne?

Thyme which is known for its aromatic and healing properties is a member of the genus Thymus family. Thymes are relatives of the oregano herb.

As far back as ancient Egypt, it was used as an embalming fluid. In Greece, it was commonly used as an incense in temples and added to their baths. Hippocrates, the famed Greek physician, recommended thyme for respiratory diseases and conditions.

In ancient Rome, it was used as a flavoring for cheese and alcoholic beverages. Today it is used as a seasoning in many stews and other dishes.

During the Black Death Plague of the 1340s, people wore thyme as a means of protection.

Did You know Thyme Quickly & Effectively Heals Cancer & Acne?

Thyme Contains These Key Elements

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Copper
  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Manganese

The Healing Effect of Thyme

1. Reduce High Blood Pressure

Studies have shown that extract was able to significantly reduce heart rate in rats with high blood pressure, and it was also able to lower their cholesterol.

2. Kills Breast Cancer Cells

Breast cancer affects 122.2 women per 100,000 in the U.S. Research has shown that the essential oil inhibits growth and potentially cause the death of many cancer cell types including breast cancer.

In one of the studies done, after only 24 hours a 20% decrease in cell viability was observed. It has been shown that though thyme kills the cancerous cells it has no effect on the wholesome cells.

Thyme has also been effective in killing lung and prostate cancer cells.

3. Kills Yeast Infections

As a tea, it is used to help in your fight against fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, yeast infections, and ringworm.

4. Most Powerful Acne Cure

Scientists from England tested the effects of thyme on Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), the bacterium that causes acne. They found that it is quite effective in treating acne.

Its antibacterial properties are much stronger than that of benzoyl peroxide, the active ingredient in most acne creams and washes.

Benzoyl peroxide also causes irritation to the skin, this means that thyme is possibly the best solution to acne.

Lemongrass – Its 7 Most Potent Healing Benefits

Lemongrass is a plant that is popular in both Asia and Africa for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years. It is also known as ‘fever grass’ or ‘citronella’, Generally known for its aromatic properties, it is commonly used as an insect repellent. However, Lemongrass has many curative properties and assists in the fight against some of our most common and dangerous lifestyle diseases.

It is also generally known that Lemongrass is helpful in healing fevers, coughs, and colds. However, it is able to do much more. Below are seven (7) of the healing benefits of Lemongrass.

7  Healing Benefits Of Lemongrass

Lemongrass and its healing power
  • 1. High Blood Pressure

In a 2012 study, 72 male volunteers were given either lemongrass tea or green tea to drink. Those who drank the lemongrass tea experienced a moderate drop in blood pressure. They also had a significantly lower heart rate. Researchers caution though, that men with heart and blood pressure problems should use lemongrass in moderation.

  • 2. PMS 

 Drinking one or two cups of tea made from the grass help with menstrual cramps, bloating, and hot flashes.

  • 3. Insomnia

Suffering from insomnia? Then be sure to drink a cup of tea just before bedtime, it helps restore restful sleep.

  • 4. Constipation

It also keeps the bowels moving properly. As a result, it eliminates constipation.

  • 5. Acne

Drinking the tea on a regular basis helps in clearing acne and other skin issues.

  • 6. Antiseptic and Astringent


Its properties make it ideal for not only skin and hair care. But also in the fight against body odors. You should add it to your shampoos; conditioners and deodorants.

  • 7. Detoxifier

 The tea has been used as a detoxifier. It is used to detoxify the digestive tract, kidneys, liver, bladder, and pancreas.  

Most Importantly Lemongrass Kills Cancer Cells

The big breakthrough, however, came when scientists in Israel discovered that it helps in the fight against cancer. Researchers discovered that the plant has cancer-curing properties. Placing the fragrant herb in a petri-dish with both the cancerous and the healthy cells. The scientists discovered, to their amazement, that the healthy cells were not negatively impacted, while the cancerous cells died.

The active ingredient which is responsible for such remarkable results is citral. Just one (1) gram. of the herb has enough citral in it to cause the cancer cells to commit suicide, without damaging the healthy cells.

It Contains These Vitamins & Minerals

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Folic Acid
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus

Growing Lemongrass

To grow Lemongrass is quite a simple project, simply separate a portion of the stalk and replant. In a short while, you shall begin to see the plant sprouting new leaves. It can also be grown through seeds.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://wavehealingcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/FactsheetLemongrass.pdf”]