W.A.V.E. Healing Center

What Is A WAVE?

The Oxford dictionary describes a WAVE as “a ridge or swell moving on the surface of a body of water; a surging or swelling movement; a change in temperature passing over a large area.”

In physics it is a regular, progressive vibration by which energy is transmitted through a medium without any net movement of the medium itself. WAVES are the energetic substances from which all things are created.

W.A.V.E. Healing Center can therefore be described as is a surging, swelling movement on the waters (peoples) of the nations. It is a vessel through which the dynamic, life transforming Divine Energy is transmitted throughout the earth, impacting lives with its ever increasing, life empowering message of LOVE. Impacting not only our planet but the cosmos as well.

W.A.V.E Healing Center’s Mission

Touching one hurting, entrapped, bruised, discouraged, desperate life after another through the liberating, healing, transformational power of LOVE.

We are of the firm conviction that the Universal force from which all things (created and uncreated; visible and invisible) emanate, is LOVE – Unconditional LOVE. As a result, there are no conditions attached to that LOVE. This means that fear based emotions like guilt, anger, judgement, unforgiveness and jealousy have no place in our lives, and are in many cases the cause of our social and personal illnesses and dis-eases. We are convinced that as messengers of LOVE we should be vessels that HEAL not hurt; LIBERATE not control; and GIVE till LOVE is fully manifested in each life.

W.A.V.E. Empowerment Programs

  1. FREE weekly empowerment sessions.
  2. New Beginning Seminars – where participants are taken through a process of spiritual deprogramming so that they can experience a NEW BEGINNING.
  3. Annual Retreats.
  4. One on one transformation sessions.

Join us for one of our empowerment sessions, you will be touched.

W.A.V.E.’S Vision

Creating social transformation by teaching the eternal principles of LOVE, Acceptance and Oneness. Healing the planet through the power of Unconditional LOVE.

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